(PM) Unattaching from port?

Ing. Felipe Tribaldos (felipe@pty.com)
Mon, 24 Nov 1997 10:04:35 -0500 (GMT)


Is there a way to unattach from a modem.
The problem is that when I hit the ^] caracter
this also kills the telnet connection to the PM?

I know that you can change the escape character in the telnet
client, but this is very annoyoing. I would much rather
have a way to unattach from the port?



| Ing. Felipe Tribaldos				Tel. +(507)265-2022	     |
| Gerente de Operaciones / Operations Manager	Fax. +(507)264-6082	     |
| Orbinet Telecommunications, Inc.		Panama, Republica de Panama  |
| Internet Access - VPN - Web Publishing - Intranets - Consulting	     |
| url: http://www.orbi.net/			mailto:felipe@pty.com	     |
| PGP: http://keys.pgp.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x62A392A0	     |

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