Re: (PM) Interesting Connect-Info Strings (fwd)

Scooter (
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:09:57 -0500

MNP5 is compression. V.42bis is compression. V.42 and MNP4 are error
correction. V.42/MNP5 or MNP4/V.42bis are doable. ARA uses MNP4 and V.42bis
(albeit badly).


At 03:44 AM 11/21/97 -0800, Scott Winders wrote:
>I am using ComOS 3.7.2 and Radius 2.0.1.
>I don't think you can mix and match LAPM/V42BIZ and MNP/MNP5. Yes, LAPM
>(v.42) is error correction and MNP5 is error correction. But I don't think
>that MNP5 works with LAPM and I don't think that v.42bis works with MNP.
>At least my handy USR Courier manual implies this and it is not one of the
>messages the modem can return.
>Scott Winders
>On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, MegaZone wrote:
>> Once upon a time Scott Winders shaped the electrons to say...
>> >We just put 5 PM3's online and have noticed that the "Connect-Info" field
>> >in the detail logs does not always jive with what the PM3 will tell you.
>> >Quite often we get this:
>> > Connect-Info = "28800 MNP/NONE"
>> >When the PM3 says it is a "28800 LAPM/V42BIS" connection. What the
>> >descrepancy?
>> Make sure you have 3.7.2. Earlier 3.7 releases could be a bit flaky
>> with Connect-Info (well, 3.7 - I think 3.7.1 was ok...)
>> I don't know if it is possible for a modem to renegotiate this level...
>> >Then I see something really strange like this:
>> > Connect-Info = "28800 LAPM/MNP5"
>> Maybe I'm spacing - isn't LAPM error correction and MNP5 compression?
>> I have to admit I'm not a big modem expert, especially after 1AM. ;-)
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