Re: (PM) Double Login

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
21 Nov 1997 15:12:20 +0100

In article <>,
Stephen Fisher <> wrote:
>On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, James D. Butt wrote:
>> > Cistron-radiusd can do what you want in a reliable way
>> > (OOB channel using SNMP to check).
>> How long does this take (the auth process)?
>> It seems to me that logging in would take a long time? (It is not really
>> that fast when I use snmpget ect to grab info from the portmaster) I
>> would assume that it looks at last login records and only checks that
>> portmaster and that port?
>As I understand it, the best method is to only do a check to make sure the
>user is still logged in if it is in a users database on the server before
>denying them access. Otherwise just let them in.

Yes, that's exactly what it does. You do get a double login occasionally
(once a week or less maybe), but this system always errs on the safe side..


   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,    | |       PTT's Het Net: Surfen in de gootsteen!	<*>
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