Re: (PM) SLC's, PM-3's, and GTE

Jacob Suter (
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 01:17:19 -0600

> My mistake. I have been using the wrong term for what the Great Telephone
> Experiment plans to do. Apparently what our local telco sees as it's future

I call it the General Telecommunications Enema myself.

> cabling plan for all areas is to max out existing cabling plant, and then
> add any additional lines as Pairgain circuits. So (as happened to a
> customer last week) if you are connecting at a steady 42k, and you order an
> extra phone line, then that circuit is manufactured out of your existing
> line, leaving you with a maximum connect speed of 26.4. Great, huh?

Thats pretty rude. Tell the customers to order "Dial Datalink"
service.. GTE is screwed then - but it costs a bit more per month.

> They think this type of circuit design is wonderful, and plan to double up
> every line possible in our area before they ever get out the ditch witch.
> Hence, 56k is likely to be a dead end in our area within a few years.

Start hassling a secondary telco. I talked to some good folks at that were very knowlagable and are interested in finding
new places to be. They are mainly resellers, but I doubt GTE will even
try to pull this kind of crap with them around (or any reseller)

> And of course every time I ask about ISDN to GTE engineering they literally
> laugh out loud over the phone. "Not even on the 5 year plan" they tell me.
> Depressing as hell.

Welcome to hell, erm, gte.. where the hell are you? I'll be sure to
stay FAR away (and avoid using payphones in your area)

> I suspect that the second line business will start to taper off after word
> of this sort of thing gets around though. But at least I'll be able to get
> a good price on a used PM-2 for our Hayes modem racks when I put them back
> in circulation. After all, 33.6 is plenty fast enough to feed a 28k phone
> line, right?

Well of course... I just can't believe GTE is pulling this with you...
Oh well, I wish I was in the dialtone business, you can legally blow off
customers, and screw them not unlike any other business...

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