(PM) SLC's, PM-3's, and GTE

David Glynn (dglynn@mathware.com)
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 14:42:41 -0600

We've been having a problem lately where we've been having users that dial
in from a certain area getting disconnected at the same time every evening.
Talked to LE support, and they mentioned that telco switches can sometimes
play heck with certain connections when they run their own internal
diagnostics. Made sense to me, and I've gotten in contact with GTE, and
they are logging the switch, and we're comparing notes, and I think it will
get resolved soon.

The interesting thing was when I was talking to the tech about slow
connects he basically said that in our area GTE was looking at moving ALL
lines over to serial line concentrators eventually, due to the demand for
second lines. Hence, 26,400 bps max connections everywhere, irregardless of
the modems or term servers.

Makes me look at those old Hayes Century 2 racks we have sitting around and
our plans to purchase another PM-3 in a new light, if you know what I

Gotta love those telcos. God help us if someone figures out how to get
voice traffic into their equipment using only 14k.

David Glynn
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