Re: (PM) SLC's, PM-3's, and GTE

Jacob Suter (
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 17:04:07 -0600

> I investigated the possibilites of doing this at my previous employer as
> it was a logical extension to their other business(fax over the Internet.)
> However, as you observed the connections are very susceptible to
> instability. I really don't see how any company is going to be able to
> address this underlying problem. If I had to vote though, I would keep an
> eye on Lucent, who is supposed to be coming out with a box to do this...

Fax would be a much better store-n-forward technology.. I hear there is
a lot of that coming on the horizon for international faxing... Voice
doesn't much matter, if it gets kinda funky, so what, you won't be
charged $.10/minute or whatever for the call, so...

LD data is a thing of the past, or at least should be in the US. With
an ISP on every corner these days its hard to find an exchange not
serviced by at least one ISP..

BTW - franklin telcom has a box that will do this now... I'm gonna check
it out, though it looks like its more for a PBX and a pretty-high-speed
network (I am unsure it does any compression at all)

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