Re: (PM) Livingston manager spamming! (fwd)

Joe Hartley (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 20:47:21 -0500 (EST)

MegaZone <> wrote:
Once upon a time Joe Hartley shaped the electrons to say...
>Ascend made my $h!+ list about a year ago when I was getting 3-4 unwanted
>faxes from them every week. I'd tried to get our machine taken off the
>list, to no avail. One night, I kept getting the same 10 page fax over and

You know about this, right?


The anti-fax law, yup. If I was more of a dick, I probably would have
gone after them, but they apologized profusely once they got in, and
I don't think I've gotten faxed from them again.

In the end, anything that involves a lawyer is going to be a huge timesuck,
and it's got to be _really_ worth it to go that route.

I really have to wonder how effective this stuff is. Do people really
reply to spam? To telemarketing calls during dinner? To junk faxes?
Someone once said that bad publicity is better than no publicity, but I
know that's not true. There's an ISP in my area whose reputation precedes
him... even my _Mom_ has heard that he's a sleazeball, and all she really
knows about my company is that it has something to do with that Internet
thing :)

So Ascend's lost me as a potential customer. Was their junkfax campaign
successful enough that they could laugh it off, or am I the real cause
behind their big stock price dip?

In the Dilbertian universe, marketroids are the lowest form of life (and
if you're a marketing manager, well, just shoot yourself now :) - and so
far removed from reality that it's a wonder anyone takes them seriously.
And as we all know, the Dilbertian universe is frighteningly like
our own...

Joe Hartley - - brainiac services, inc
PO Box 5069 : Greene, RI : 02827 - vox 401.539.9050 : fax 401.539.2070
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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