Re: (PM) Radius accounting info

Stephen Fisher (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 15:48:22 -0700 (MST)

The latest Radius Accounting RFC is #2139 which can be found at your
favorite RFC archive or:

The header is:

Network Working Group C. Rigney
Request for Comments: 2139 Livingston
Obsoletes: 2059 April 1997
Category: Informational

RADIUS Accounting

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Aaron (Zim) wrote:

> I was wondering where i could find RFC/etc info on the protocol/data
> structures used in radius accounting? Is this even available? Basically
> the idea i'm thinking about, is setting up a small program to watch the
> radius accounting packets, decode them, and put the info up in a window,
> then forward the packet on to the actual radius accounting server.
> Basically so the guys who work here at night will have a way to tell if
> user xxx calls cause he's having problems, it's because of Password
> failure/or other problems.. I've already got the packet capture/forward
> working basically i changed my primary accounting server to the machine
> i want this available on, and set secondary to the actual accounting
> server, when this program is active it forwards the packets to the
> actual server, and if the program isn't running, then secondary
> accounting server setting should take care of it... All i need now is to
> know how to decode what i'm seeing :) Any advice appreciated.. Aaron

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