(PM) Radius accounting info

Aaron (abla@ballistic.com)
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 14:04:20 -0600

I was wondering where i could find RFC/etc info on the protocol/data
structures used in radius accounting? Is this even available? Basically the
idea i'm thinking about, is setting up a small program to watch the radius
accounting packets, decode them, and put the info up in a window, then
forward the packet on to the actual radius accounting server. Basically so
the guys who work here at night will have a way to tell if user xxx calls
cause he's having problems, it's because of Password failure/or other
problems.. I've already got the packet capture/forward working basically i
changed my primary accounting server to the machine i want this available
on, and set secondary to the actual accounting server, when this program is
active it forwards the packets to the actual server, and if the program
isn't running, then secondary accounting server setting should take care of
it... All i need now is to know how to decode what i'm seeing :)
Any advice appreciated..

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