(PM) Don't you just love Hayes.

Phil Taylor (Phil@lansystems.co.uk)
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 16:14:06 -0000

I had a great call today from a customer that has just bought a Hayes
56K Voice modem, he had problems staying connected and only connected at
33,600. (we have PM3 ComOS 3.7.2 and 56K modems)

Before ringing me he called Hayes support after 4 hours of trying he
finally got through. He told them what the problem was and the engineer
said, 'there is no upgrade for that modem it must be your ISP'. Then he
said 'Try ISP X, I know their system works OK with that Modem'., I
happen to know that ISP X use Ascend.

When I then got the call from the customer and after looking at the
Hayes beta page, there is no K56Flex V1.x upgrade for the Voice modems
yet, so basically they are trying to blame ME (and of course our PM3)
for their inability to get upgrades out. I put the customer right on a
few points.

I have never recommended Hayes in the past and this has confirmed by



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