(PM) OSPF - request for HOW-TO

Samudra E Haque (haque@pradeshta.net)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 02:13:32 +0600 (BGT)


after much late night bleary eyed debugging, I found in the Win/NT
documentation the following statement... Me thinks that my PM-2E-10 is not
passing OSPF information to my dial-in Win/NT IP LAN router as it's
password / authentication key is not enabled ???????????????

---------------------- from within NT Routing and RAS Services HELP
To check OSPF configuration, check these things step by step:

1 Ping the neighboring router to ensure basic network connectivity.

2 Windows NT OSPF routers have authentication enabled by default.
The default password is 12345678. You should enable or disable passwords
for an entire Area. On each router in an area, under IP Routing,
right-click OSPF by Bay Networks and select Configure OSPF. On the Areas
tab, select an area and click Configure. On the General tab, select the
Enable clear-text password option.

3 Authentication must match between all neighboring OSPF routers.
Therefore, within an area, any routers that are on the same network must
use the same password. The password is configured on a per-interface basis
by selecting OSPF by Bay Networks under IP Routing, right-clicking on an
interface and selecting Configure interface. Configure the password on the
General tab.

4 Be sure that the Hello and Dead Intervals match the Hello and Dead
Intervals of neighboring OSPF routers. By default, the Hello interval is
10 seconds and the Dead interval is 40 seconds. These intervals are
configured on a per-interface basis in the Advanced tab.

5 Be sure that area border routers (ABRs) are on the backbone: Area border routers are routers that are part of two or more
different OSPF areas. An ABR does not have to be physically on the
backbone if a virtual link has been created that attaches it to the
backbone. Virtual links are configured globally by using the Virtual
Interfaces tab. When you configure the virtual interface, specify the
router that is the endpoint of the virtual link by typing the router ID
(not an IP address).

Could I request MZ or others to suggest what steps I would take, the docs
unfortunately are more into word-processing mayhem rather than concrete
examples. Didn't the authors ever take a technical writing for engineers
course, rather than a "use your fancy wordprocessor and all of its fonts
(italics,bold,underlines)" course !!

The example is taken from within the Routing and RAS documentation help
file: I am running NT 4.0 server with Service Pack 3 and RRAS


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