Re: (PM) Netstats not good

Jon Lewis (
Sat, 8 Nov 1997 12:29:37 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, David Edwards wrote:

> Ouch is right. Check out my most resent stats. Got to give the PM3s
> credit though for running well in such a bad network environment. Thanks

How many PM3's are you running on that segment? If you can afford PM3's
you can afford a reasonable ethernet switch. Recent discussions on this
list concluded that you really don't want more than about 2 PM3's per
segment or switch port. You can probably get away with more, since you'll
not likely ever see all ports xmitting at once, but you don't want a few
PM3's and a news server all on a busy non-switched ethernet.

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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