Re: (PM) Resetting PM3 line0 stats (fwd)

Stephen Fisher (
Sat, 8 Nov 1997 01:24:20 -0700 (MST)


I agree totally! Why try to maintain cleared and uncleared counters in
each amber session and worry about them logging in multiple times and
everything?? Just setup two counters for everything - the "odometer" one
never changes and is used for SNMP. The other one, a "tripometer," can be
reset from the GUI or CLI and is then accessed from whatever wants to and
however many times.

On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, Jason Marshall wrote:

> > Sorry, you cannot do this. SNMP doesn't allow you to do this - it is
> > against the rules, and we're moving more and more to SNMP. Some have
> > suggested adding a second counter, which is being considered.
> >
> > However, Amber (the next Pmconsole) lets you run debugs from it and reset
> > the counters in its display.
> Amber isn't going to cut it. I'll be damned if I'm going to be crippled
> by some GUI that is, for some political reason, able to do what the
> non-graphical equivilent cannot. If Amber can do it, so should the
> text-only utility, by gum! The idea of two counters for reach
> resettable statistic is a great one. I'd expect this functionality to
> be available, whether from the command-line or from some pretty GUI
> utility. If not, you can be sure that everone I know at Livingston will
> receive a scathing email each time I need to reboot a portmaster just to
> reset a silly counter. Ok, it may not be scathing, but I'll make it as
> annoying as possible!

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