Re: (PM) (ANNC) Livingston Digital Line Center

Damien T. (
Sat, 1 Nov 1997 21:07:42 -0800 (PST)

At 03:20 PM 10/31/97 -0800, Eric Launder wrote:
>The Digital Line Center service is provided to our customers by a third
>party company on behalf of Livingston. This company specializes in

Who shall forever remain anonymous until we ask the RBOC who placed the
order? <g>!

[Damien previous asked...]
>>3. Was this idea hatched by the same folks who brought us the after-hours
>>support plan that costs $6,000 per year even for a single $699 Office Router?
>I'm not quite sure how to answer this one ;) ...the Digital Line Center is
>an entirely free service that will hopefully simplify and speed-up the
>process of obtaining new digital lines, plus it pays you a cash bonus every
>time you use it.

Well, I guess there really is no answer beyond yes or no...except it was a
loaded question. Being familiar with the one-time sales spiff and the
monthly percentage of revenue that most sales agents for RBOCs make for
placing these types of orders, I guess this question was more of a cynical
"read between the lines" comment as to whether this was another odd-ball way
for Livingston to generate additional revenue.

Since the FAQ and information on the Livingston web page gives the
appearance that this is something done by Livingston as an entity (i.e.
there is no mention anywhere that this is an outsourced arrangement), I
couldn't help but poke a little fun at the fact that Livingston is
undoubtably going to share in the sales agent commissions and monthy revenue
that will be derived from the "Livingston Digital Line Center."

Now, had the page said "we have an arrangement with a third-party company
that will allow both Livingston and the ISPs using the service make some
money from the Telcos for ordering what you'd order anyway" I'd never have
given the service a second thought...<g>!

A little honesty (or just being open) sometimes goes a long way.


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