Re: (PM) Livingston manager spamming!

Damien T. (
Sat, 1 Nov 1997 20:52:46 -0800 (PST)

Although I deleted much of this e-mail for the purpose of quoting it, sounds
like the author is cutting off his nose to spite his face. Mike Cerda, the
Livingston territory manager in question, is seems to be a very decent guy.
We've traded some e-mail, phone calls and he's stopped by our office (with
an appointment) to discuss the PM3 line in the past.

He does have a newsletter of sorts to which he'll add you to the
subscription list if you like, but I have a hard time getting riled up over
receiving an unsolicited e-mail from him and going nuts about it being spam.
If you are an ISP and you are within his sales territory, why shouldn't he
send you an e-mail? If you were located near us, and I thought you might be
in the market for a website or frame relay connection, *I'd* sure send you a

I've jumped into the frey here for two reasons. The first is that my
impression of Mike is that he's a cool guy just trying to do his job. The
second is that I would far rather receive an unsolicited e-mail from Mike
than the unsolicited phone calls I get on a weekly basis from marketing
folks at USR and Bay Networks. The phone calls tie up my staff, and when
I'm interrupted, it is a nuisance. I can deal with the e-mail on my terms
or just drop it into the bit bucket.

And as for any hidden agenda in my defense of Mike, I'll note here that I've
never purchased a single item from him, preferring to use a VAR who provides
as-good or better pricing than Mike (er, Livingston) is able to provide.
Buying direct from Loivingston is fine, I'm sure, but why cut those folks
(your VAR) out of the food chain when the price is the same, and they help
you with other matters and represent multiple vendors? Know what I mean?

But I digress..


>From: Jim Dawson <jdawson@NAVI.NET>
>Subject: ABUSE-RE: Livingston (!) spam
>We had received spam from Livingston to our admin account the other day.
>It was sent from the NW regional manager. I was going to respond when I
>had some time to find some email addresses for muckety-mucks, so it was
>sitting there. Today, I got a phone call from the spammer wanting to know
>if we had any Livingston products. Although we have been seriously
>considering PM3's, I told him no, and that we probably wouldn't. When he
>asked why, I told him because someone within the company identifying
>himself as the regional manager spammed us. He admitted that he was the
>guy, and I told him we don't do business with companies that send
>unsolicited commercial email, and a person in his position should know

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