Odd(?) SNMP problem...

Jason Marshall (marshalj@spots.ab.ca)
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 22:44:17 -0600 (MDT)

Hi All, we've got 2 OR-U's running 3.5L between us and another site. The
link stays up for quite a while (6 days before I reset it today), and is
quite decent.

However, we're using MRTG to graph usage across this cct, and maybe 20
times a day (we graph every 5 minutes, or 288 times a day) our mrtg
process claims that it cannot connect to <public
community>@pmX.spots.ab.ca, tried multiple times... Is there a known
problem with SNMP and 3.5L? I wasn't going to upgrade to 3.7 for another
month or more because I hate being on the bleeding edge, and I don't
recall anything like this being mentioned on the list ever before...

Has anyone any insight? Thanks in advance!

| Jason Marshall, marshalj@spots.ab.ca. Spots InterConnect, Inc. Calgary, AB |