Re: ComOS 3.7, OSPF and static routes

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Sat, 23 Aug 1997 11:55:47 +0200

According to Tom Fellenz:
> At 05:12 PM 8/22/97 +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> >Hello, last week I posted on the portmaster user list that ComOS 3.5 doesn't
> >redistribute static routes into OSPF whereas 3.7 does. You wrote:
> >> Some foof...
> >
> >===== ComOS 3.5 doesn't redistribute static routes into OSPF, 3.7 does ======
> Miguel,
> Yes, you are correct. I've been caught with my pants down.
> I will hang pity in my words only to revel in the fact that you can turn
> static route propagation off with 3.7. You can actually set the propagation
> rules from one routing protocol type to another. (see below...)

[..] SNIP

> >From 10-14:
> delete propagation <Protocol Source> <Protocol Destination>
> ***
> One can extrapolate this command:
> delete propagation static ospf
> ***

Thanks for the explanation, but it seems like this is not implemented in
the ComOS 3.7 for the PM2 series. The user guide also mentions that this
command is especially useful for BGP, which you also can not use on a
PM2, only on the PM3 and IRX.

Look:> ver
Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.7
System uptime is 21 hours 32 minutes> delete propagation static ospf
Syntax error: usage: delete tablename values> set bgp on
Syntax error: usage: set port_name,all option value> set bgp enable
Syntax error: usage: set port_name,all option value>

So I hope there will be a way in the next ComOS to do this even om PM2 boxes..

Thanks - Mike.

| Miquel van Smoorenburg |                                                    |
|     | Owners of digital watches, your days are numbered. |
|     PGP fingerprint: FE 66 52 4F CD 59 A5 36  7F 39 8B 20 F1 D6 74 02       |