Re: 56K Working Modem (kinda long)

Doug Nipper (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 22:46:40 -0500 (CDT)

>Well, we got our 56K cards in today (#149). I installed them, and after
>about 3 hours now, seem to see more 31200 & 33600 connections. No 56K's

About the same here. We were #129. Using 2-PRI's and 3- 10 port cards.

>I went out and bought the Zoltrix FM-VSP56i. It is ver 1.0 of the code
>on the shelves right now. I have connected at 42K consistently 15 or 20
>different times now. Amazing enough it even connects to the PM3 with
>the old modem cards without a knock-down string!

Here's where it gets comical, for me anyway. Went out and bought a Zoom
56K external, sucessfully flashed it to 1.00, and it won't connect at all
to the PM-3. Neither will my Hayes Optima 336. Both units will work with
our Hayes rackmounts/PM2's. And lots of clients are getting on the PM-3
OK, it's just the poor old manager out in the cold. Can't even fall back
on V.34!

Wish I'd seen this post before I bought the Zoom, but don't know anyone
locally who carries Zoltrix. Oh well, maybe my employer will pick up the
tab for a "test unit".

Doug Nipper
Operations Manager
Sol Tec/Danville (IL ISP)