Re: PM3 + CT1 = Frustration!

Alex Rubenstein (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 23:17:00 -0400 (EDT)

Except tonight, they said "downgrade to 3.5.1b20" until the wierd lockup
problems are worked out.

IE: User calls in, computer 'freezes'.

Lost three customers so far on this one. And, livingston support, in thier
infinite wisdom, tells me that 'they have no information as to when the
fix will be out'. Hrmph.

Also, my trust of livingston has gone down hill (I don't think it has ever
before), with the recent events surrounding why we, number
ninety-something did not recieve modems yet, because 'our form telling
livingston how many modems we needed was not filled out yet / returned.'

My question is, why wasn't this noticed a *long* time ago? How about when
they got to us in the line, could they have thought, "Gee; we don't have
the information for this order; shall we call the customer?" Instead, they
ignored it, and we have yet to get the cards.

HoHum. I hope ISPCon is good. Anyone else going?

On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Tom Samplonius wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Mark Conway Wirt wrote:
> > A PM3, with 3 10 modem cards. ComOS version 3.5.1b20. The lines
> Upgrade to 3.7.
> This is the first thing that tech support will tell you when you call.
> Tom