56K Working Modem (kinda long)

Ron Long (rlong@sagelink.net)
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 20:10:46 -0500

Setup: CT-1 / AMI / E&M Wink

Well, we got our 56K cards in today (#149). I installed them, and after
about 3 hours now, seem to see more 31200 & 33600 connections. No 56K's
but that is expected. Most everyone is using knock-down strings or old
code anyway.

I went out and bought the Zoltrix FM-VSP56i. It is ver 1.0 of the code
on the shelves right now. I have connected at 42K consistently 15 or 20
different times now. Amazing enough it even connects to the PM3 with
the old modem cards without a knock-down string!

I have used this brand for about 2 years and LOVE them (NO HSP's
THOUGH!) If anyone is interested in purchasing some of these modems, I
am working a deal right now with Zoltrix and buying some in quantity.
You can retail them for 105.00 - 119.00 all day long.

I havent heard the Tech Support folks complain yet about users not being
able to get on yet!

Ron Long
System Administrator