Re: Death by call routing

Ron Parker (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 20:21:11 -0500 (CDT)

Dick, thanks for passing this along. I'm seeing similar things over analog
"paths" I have forwarded to me from a remote CO. If you call the remote
number and get the first path to me, you'll get one connect rate, if you
call the next one, you'll get a different rate, etc. None of them are good
and it all appears to be due to interoffice trunking issues.

Unfortunately this case involves two different LECs and at least four COs
so the bits are getting munged quite a bit along the way. Each LEC blames
the other, of course, so no solutions are offered.

I'm looking for a better solution or there's no way I can support 56k on
these lines. I'd been thinking about trying to drop a PRI into the area
but I was afraid I'd get results like you are seeing. Your analysis
couldn't have come at a better time for me!

Ron Parker
Network Communications Specialist
Brazosport College

On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Dick St.Peters wrote:

> Personally I suspect that what's making things difficult for digital > modems is the junk in the robbed signalling and framing bits being > transmitted down PRIs and CT1s with crystal clarity. An analog modem > can pretty much rely on this stuff being filtered out.