Re: 56k modems shipping? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 19 Aug 1997 20:35:19 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time David Denney shaped the electrons to say...
>EXCEPT, MZ uses a broke-dick mail program that strips out
>reference headers and adds (fwd) to all his mail's subject.

I use Elm. I just 'forward' back to the list because I'd rather do that
than 'reply' and change the To: line, or 'group reply' because, personally,
it annoys the hell out of me when people do that. I hate it when people
do that and I get multiple copies of a letter because it goes to me, AND to
lists I'm on.

I've always done mailing lists this way, so changing now isn't likely.


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