PM2eR Overload was ( Win 95 DUN errors with PM2Er)

Carl Delabar (
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 18:37:06 -0400

Getting back to the original poster's request for help.... We had the
exact same thing go wrong here!

He has three PM2eR's using them as routers and terminal servers. It was
our experience that when these same protocol problems showed up we asked
the same questions over and over. The discussion ranged accross several
ideas all of which could have been the problem.

The fix we found was the PM2eR was overloaded in peek times with only a
miniscule amount of ram, ect..... Everytime we rebooted the PM the
problem would disappear for serveral days. But, it would always

We installed an IRX-114 with 16mb ram and the problem has been gone for
several months now. I believe if I had of added 4mb to the PM2eR and
gone to ComOS 3.5 we could have bought some additional time.

This was our fix. It has been so quite here lately that sometimes I
think I 'm in the wrong building.

MZ said the PM2eR should handle approx. 60-90 connections. Our troubles
really started showing up at the 30 connection level according to the
tech logs.

I hope this helps,

Carl Delabar
The new Cybersouth