Re: limiting access on certain ports

Per Hedeland (
18 Aug 1997 22:26:28 GMT

J. S. Nakamura wrote:
>What is the best way to limit login on a certain port (say port s29) so
>only a certain user can login (say user abc), at the same time all other
>ports (s0 through s28) it will authenticate any valid users in RADIUS? We
>are using Livingston's RADIUS server 2.0. Only way I can think of is have
>30 entries in the users file for each port. But this makes the users file
>very ugly.

Wouldn't this work?

abc Auth-Type = System, Framed-Protocol = PPP, NAS-IP-Address =x.x.x.x, NAS-Port=29
Service-Type = Framed-User,

DEFAULT Auth-Type = Reject, NAS-IP-Address =x.x.x.x, NAS-Port=29

DEFAULT Auth-Type = System, Framed-Protocol = PPP
Service-Type = Framed-User,

If you don't want to upgrade to Radius 2.0.1 to get the Auth-Type = Reject,
you could use Auth-Type = Local, Password = <some "impossible" password>.

--Per Hedeland