Re: limiting access on certain ports

Per Hedeland (
19 Aug 1997 08:37:34 GMT

Stephen Fisher writes:
>That will let the particular user only on that port,

Yes, as did the original poster's own ("ugly":-) suggestion - if that
isn't wanted, the NAS-IP-Address and NAS-Port items can be removed from
the user's entry.

> I think the original
>poster wants a way to keep all others off of that port as well.

Which I believe the first DEFAULT entry will achieve - assuming (like in
the original suggestion) that none of them have non-DEFAULT entries.

--Per Hedeland

>On 18 Aug 1997, Per Hedeland wrote:
>> abc Auth-Type = System, Framed-Protocol = PPP, NAS-IP-Address =x.x.x.x, NAS-Port=29
>> Service-Type = Framed-User,
>> ...
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type = Reject, NAS-IP-Address =x.x.x.x, NAS-Port=29
>> DEFAULT Auth-Type = System, Framed-Protocol = PPP
>> Service-Type = Framed-User,
>> ...
>> If you don't want to upgrade to Radius 2.0.1 to get the Auth-Type = Reject,
>> you could use Auth-Type = Local, Password = <some "impossible" password>.