Re: Subnets (Again!)

Stephen Fisher (
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 18:57:56 -0600 (MDT)

On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, Imran Zalfackruddin wrote:

> I am not sure if I am double(Triple??) posting - if I am ... sorry. It
> appears as if my posts are not getting through.

They must not have, I only got your message once.

> I know that this subject was discussed numerous times - I did not pay
> too much attention to it since I did not need the information at the
> time.

Heh, I know how that goes :)

> Here's my situation: I have a Cisco 2501. We obtained another class C
> and we have a client who will be connecting to us via Ascend P75 to a
> PM3. We need to give him 32 ip addresses from the new class C. Our
> original class C was one big glob (not subnetted).


> How do I go about configuring the Cisco and PM3 to allow us to use the
> new class C to give out IP addresses to our clients who need multiple IP
> addresses from a dedicated connection????

First decide how you want it subnetted, each "block" of addresses can
either be the same size or different sizes within the Class-C. You can
always change it later. For this user who needs a 32 address block (/27
in CIDR notation) which gives them 30 usable addresses you can just tell
it to route to the dial-up customer in the Radius record
or if it is hardwired just route it to the ip address of the interface and
the Portmaster can redistribute the static route into OSPF.

> I take it that I have to use OSPF. I downloaded the info from Livingston
> but I am not clear how to implement it in the Cisco and PM3.

You don't *have* to use OSPF, but you *really should* to make life *much*
easier and things easier to manage and dynamically change over time.

See my posting to this mailing list with the headers:

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 19:59:09 -0600 (MDT)
From: Stephen Fisher <>
To: Kelley Lingerfelt <>
Subject: Re: Need Help with OSPF setup

It talks about setting up OSPF on the Portmasters and Ciscos.

- Steve
- Systems Manager
- Community Internet Access, Inc.
- Gallup and Grants, New Mexico