Ian McLaughlin (
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 17:56:29 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Imre Fitos wrote:

> Hi gang,
> A serious percentage of our users love playing Quake, and they are
> saying that playing Quake while connected to USR Sportsters with PM2s is
> way better than through our PM3 ringdown. People say the play is at least
> choppy and they register UDP packet losses.
> Wonder if anyone knows about this, knows a workaround for this
> or has the same problem?

We have the same problem here. In fact, I have a group of users that
have given me details of ping times on my three PM2s and my PM3. The PM3
is by far the worst ping times. On the PM2s, the one with only 10 ports
on it is the best. The two 30-port units are in the middle. When I
talked to Livingston about this, they explained that the small size of
the v.34 compression table in the current code for the PM3 might be the
cause, but the new software/new modems will take care of that. They
refused to acknowledge that a 30-port PM2 and a 10-port PM2 would show
significant ping time differences. All units are on the same ethernet
cable in the same class C. All of our analog modems are USR Couriers.

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