Re: Hey we're live

David Davies (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 11:57:00 -0400

> From: Kelley Lingerfelt <>
> To: David Davies <>
> Cc: Portmaster Users <>
> Subject: Re: Hey we're live
> Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 11:43 PM
> On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, David Davies wrote:
> >
> > One more thing we did see one 50K connection but I'm not supposed to
> > who that was. Good to see though.
> Can you tell us what it was?

Let's just say the call came from California and the companies initials are
> >
> > All of the clients running "knock down" init strings are connecting
with no
> > problems without them now also.
> >
> That sounds very encouraging... Could you be a little more specific on
> what a "knock down" init string is?

"knock down" string meaning the init strings our current 56K clients had to
use to get connected to the old modems. They still aren't seeing faster
connect rates due to the older code in the clients modems but they are
connecting with no probs with out the init strings.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."