Hey we're live

David Davies (David@buckeyeweb.com)
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 21:32:15 -0400

3.7 in and running new modems installed and all is well in Buckeye Land.
OS upgrade went smooth had a bit of an issue with the modems.

Seems per LE that we have a bad back plane card in our until now perfect

here's what happened so you'll know how to work around.

Installed new modems and OS. Rebooted and none of the modems would

ISDN callers had no problem getting in but analog dialers got nothing. No
recording, no ringing, nada, nix...

Took out the last two cards and rebooted and everything came up all right.
Pushed the last two cards back in and shazam everything looks good. RMA
tomarro and guess what? They are going to let me keep the 56K modems :-)
Damn right they are !!

Funny part is we never saw this problem with the old cards. I even took
the first three 56K cards out and put three old ones in and it fired right
up. Kind of hard to believe it's a back plane problem but hey what do I
know :-)

One more thing we did see one 50K connection but I'm not supposed to say
who that was. Good to see though.

All of the clients running "knock down" init strings are connecting with no
problems without them now also.

#2 alive and kickin'

Gotta love the little 56K stickers also, gives the spiders something to
look at :-)

Thanks to LE support for a 5 minute call back, good job gang.

David Davies
Director, Internet Services
Buckeye Internet Services, Ltd.
"Through the modem, past the NAP, around the World, nothing but Net...."