Re: Routing Questions: 1 Radius, 1 OSPF (fwd)

The Big Yak Daddy (
Fri, 8 Aug 1997 20:37:11 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 8 Aug 1997, John-David Childs wrote:

> Question: I've always used set assigned (e.g. started with
> the first *usable* IP address in a subnet...not the subnet "boundary" IP).
> My reading of the Command Line Administrators Guide also leads me to
> believe that I should use

This was the source of my confusion as well. It would seem as if the PM
itself was smart enough to deal with all the /32 host routes locally
(including the /32 for what would ordinarily be a network address.) E.G.,
a user could be given for an IP address and that address
would just simply be part of a summary given to other routers as This is extremely vague in the manual, but that is why
we have lists like this, ain't it? ;)

In any case: thanks to everybody who clarified this for me.

Bill Green Phone: 408-567-3820 x555
Aimnet Corporation E-Mail: