Two more OSPF questions

Randy Moore (
Fri, 08 Aug 1997 23:32:03 -0400

First, all of the routes that my PM's learn from RADIUS show up as External
Type 2 (ospf/E2) routes even though they are for networks that are included
in the ranges I've setup for my area.

The routes from my dialup pools and routes learned from a Cisco router show
up as regular internal routes.

Is this the correct behavior?

Second, two of my PM2's will not fully mesh for some reason. They stay in
2Way status toward each other all the time. They both fully mesh will each
of the other routes in my network ( a total of 3 PM2's and a Cisco). All
are on a single common ethernet.

Does this indicate a problem, and if so, where do I begin to fix it?


- Randy Moore
Atlantech Online, Inc.
(301) 593-2794