Re: No Modems... Why?

Doug McClure (
Sun, 03 Aug 1997 18:35:25 -0400

At 03:54 PM 8/3/97 -0600, Stephen Fisher wrote:
>On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Sherwood Portmaster-List wrote:
>> > Maybe we should start a modem betting pool, and a NFAS betting pool? :)
>> > We can all place bets on which day 56k modems will arrive? For NFAS we
>> > can bet on which week a released ComOS will add support for it?
>> Additional rules, perhaps, Lucent DSPs must be shipped to a non-beta
>> site.
>> I'll put in my 'bet' of 2 lbs of coffee from Hawaii on the 6th of
>> August...for a non-Beta site getting their modems...
>> Hmm, how about the date a non-beta site gets it up operational and
>> recieves a customer calling in at higher than 46Kbps?
>> I'll say the 11th of August...
>I hope you're [close to] right on those dates.. I'd rather not make bets
>because I don't trust this new technology enough to trust that Livingston
>can even get it out within two weeks.
>I got a new Motorola ModemSurfr 56k modem the other day. It doesn't even
>connect to Motorola's K56Flex dial-in system - it just gives garbage in
>K56Flex mode, if I manually put it in V.34 it works though. They're using
>an Ascend box.. go figure.
>Livingston.. (Marty I believe you mentioned this before) any chance of
>letting me try this modem on some K56Flex dial-ins at Livingston to make
>sure it works right.. to help test the new code/chips?

Didn't LE say they'd have a toll free PM3 set up for us to try this type of
thing? I seem to recall a post a long time ago about that??
