Re: One line on PM3 not taking calls...

Tom Samplonius (
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 10:21:23 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Rick Morris wrote:

> The input/output traffic on S22 is from a call I placed out via attach S22.
> It will dial out both analog and digital, but doesn't get any calls.
> No calls have been accepted on this line since we re-booted this box
> 3 days ago.

I've seen this before. Same channel and everything. S22 had not taken
any calls since bootup.

When I called the telco, and had them test the 23rd DS0, they said it
was good, and said they saw calls come in on it! But
they mentioned that the 5th DS0 was stuck in a initializing state, but
according to the PM3, S4 was working ok. The telco checked the DAX
configuration to make sure the DS0s were getting passed straight through.

I suspect a PM3 bug at this point.
