Re: RFE: RFC1696 mdmMIB support

Chris Adams (
1 Aug 1997 14:08:41 -0500

David Carmean <> wrote:
>OTOH, RFC1696 doesn't have some of the info I would *really* like
>to see for quality control, but that is available via the CLI.
>It would be really nice, then, to be able to get the current
>transmit and receive rates via the Enterprise MIB, for example.

Check out the latest Livingston MIB. I think you have to have ComOS
3.5.1b20 on a PM3 to get all the info, but you can get a whole bunch of
stuff now. For example, I have a perl script that gives:

Connect Idle Speed Protocol/ Reneg/
Username Hostname Time/Date Time In/Out Compress Retrn
rkolli pm1-39 8/1 8:06 0 64000 None
edaw_isdn 8/1 14:02 0 64000 None
camp_isdn 8/1 14:03 13 64000 None
geeneff pm1-26 8/1 13:52 10 28800/26400 LAPM/v42bis 19/6
camp_isdn 8/1 14:03 13 64000 None
damonp pm1-38 8/1 13:44 0 28800/28800 LAPM/v42bis 1/0
trialact pm1-24 8/1 13:39 12:08 26400/21600 LAPM/v42bis 2/78
bharbour pm1-21 8/1 12:56 7:19 28800/28800 LAPM/v42bis 0/0
banton_isdn 8/1 14:04 10 64000 None
tdsi_isdn 8/1 13:56 3 64000 None
banton_isdn 8/1 14:04 11 64000 None
edaw_isdn 8/1 14:02 0 64000 None
rts2 pm1-2 8/1 13:52 10:27 14400/14400 LAPM/v42bis 0/0
grobe pm1-5 8/1 13:56 1 14400/14400 LAPM/v42bis 0/0
tcupples pm1-6 8/1 13:10 19 24000/24000 LAPM/v42bis 6/1
krueger pm1-29 8/1 13:54 0 26400/28800 LAPM/v42bis 0/0
undhsv pm1-32 8/1 13:41 0 28800/28800 LAPM/v42bis 0/0
simpsonj pm1-12 8/1 14:02 1:28 26400/28800 LAPM/v42bis 0/1
mcoc pm1-23 8/1 8:58 1:46 28800/28800 LAPM/v42bis 5/26
georged pm1-30 8/1 13:29 21 28800/28800 LAPM/v42bis 0/0
fpmi pm1-14 8/1 14:03 19 28800/28800 LAPM/v42bis 1/0

This is a hacked up version of the "pmwho" perl script that Gregory A.
McLean posted here a little while back. I couldn't think of any more
info that I could display and still fit in 80 columns! There are some
assumptions in the column widths as well: usernames <= 10 chars,
hostnames chopped at 17 chars, idle time <= 20 minutes (our idle

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.