Re: RFE (fwd)

James Courtier-Dutton (
Mon, 28 Jul 97 22:55:58

Well. IPXWAN was developed by Novell for passing IPX traffic over WAN links. It is not very good.
For IPXWAN to work over a PPP link. The PPP NCP negotiation for IPX (IPXCP) just has to do a the very
least needed to get IPXCP up signal. No Compression. No routing protocol. and all the rest of RFC1552.
Then IPXWAN takes over which is Novell server based.
Cisco use the better full implementation of IPXCP (RFC 1552) which negotiates Compression and Routing
protocol (RIP or NLSP) etc.
So Cisco to PM3 will not work with an on-demand ISDN IPX link. (RIP Routing table fails to be passed)
Bay do the same as Cisco. (See Bay Annex 4000, Cisco 761).
Also this causes problems with WIN95 PPP RAS dialer. (WIN95 does not do IPXWAN)

So in the interests of interoperablity, I think Livingston should do some work on IPX in their products.
Also Novell login keep alives are a must over ISDN (Brings up link every 7 mins otherwise)
I have been told that Livingston wish to move into the corporate market in the UK. With out this they will have
difficulty. The corporate market in the UK is large.
Also PPP CBCP dialback is needed. I am sure these small things will not take up much development time.
They will fill a huge gap in basic Portmaster features.
Sitting like a good doggie
Your Obedient Servant

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 07:15:54 -0700, John Storms wrote:

>At 09:47 PM 7/27/97, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
>>2) Does not fully support IPXCP (See RFC1552)
>>3) It uses IPXWAN instead of the better IPXCP which is supported by all
>Bay and Cicso products.
>Please elaborate, and I'll check it out.
>Diplomacy: The art of saying good doggie
>while seaching for a big rock.

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