Re: Free pm3's

Brian Elfert (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:56:43 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Robert Boyle wrote:

> At 07:28 PM 07/28/97 -0700, Leonard <> wrote:
> >That's what the guys at solunet told us too. But the offer only applies to
> >PM3s bought between sometime in the middle of this month till sept 30.
> >What I'm wondering is - is the free unit just the base unit, or is it with
> >the whole 48 digital 56Kflex-ready (or upgradeable) modems?
> Why would they do that only for new buyers? I was an early adopter. I
> bought my first two units in December and I would like my free PM3...
> Although I did buy another two this month so far.

Why does any manufacturer have a promotion or sale? They typically want
to make more sales.

If you bought a '97 model year car last fall, and now the same model sells
for $2500 less because the '98s are coming, do you expect the car dealer
to give you a $2500 rebate?
