Re: Resetting PM2e to factory defaults - MORE

Robert Boyle (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 22:45:11 -0400

At 10:40 PM 07/28/97 -0400, I wrote:
>At 02:26 AM 07/29/97 +0100, you wrote:
>>Al Hopper wrote:
>>> If its com os 3.5, just use:
>>> erase configuration
>>> Simple huh!
>>That will be great for when I can log in to the box :-) Remember, I
>>don't know what the root password is...
>Switch dip switch one up (on), plug a null modem cable into your computer
>and set the com port for 9600,8,N,1 and call Livingston support. They will
>immediately help you login using a challenge response system. I think you
>need to login as !root with the password of override. You tell them the
>code that the PM gives you and they will give you a password. I really just
>wish that they would make that program available since I feel that once
>physical security has been breached that the person with access could just
>as easily call support and follow the same procedure... anyway.

I forgot to write that the other end of the cable goes to the console port
(C0 PM3,OR-x or S0 all others.)
