Re: WELL???

Al Hopper (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 21:00:05 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Dave Cates wrote:

> Ok, I'm tired of waiting for you guys to call me back. If I don't know
> what is wrong I can't tell the telco or you to fix it. Apparently you
> don't even know what the problem is and you designed the product. If I
> don't hear that you have figured out at least what the problem is soon,
> they will become a part of someone's at LE's human anatomy. If I do have
> to return the product I will flood the net with trash about how complacent
> LE support has become. The only reason we went with the PM3 is because the
> support on the PM2 was so great, but it looks like LE has resorted to the
> US Robotics way of fixing things!
> A frustrated and pissed off customer,
> Dave Cates

Please take your "frustration" and your "pissed off" attitude elsewhere.
Your behavior is juvenile - you need to learn some *manners*. If you get
ignored by LE, then that's exactly what you deserve!

PS. If you respond to this message I'll be happy to ignore you!

Al Hopper Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.
(972)-379-2133 or (972)-849-5765. Fax 972-379-2134