Re: Perl for NT

Scott Portmaster List (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 20:57:02 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Dale E. Reed Jr. wrote:

> Scott Portmaster List wrote:
> >
> > Well, i have half of it re-written in c, it takes the logs and converts
> > them to semicolon delimited, a lot easier to work with, as well as
> > inputable into a lot of databases :) (Note: we go through the logs every
> > night to see who has been on for how low (usage you know) so wanted
> > something a little faster than perl for doin the job, but the parser is
> > still written in perl, one of these days, gotta re-write it...
> If you used RadiusNT as your accounting server, you could dump the
> accounting information into a database in real time. Getting
> results out of that is very simple and it could save a lot of time
> and hair in the long run. :)

But then i would have to run it under nt :) but now i can inport it into
anything i want to, as well as getting it real time, so it does not matter
who wrote that (goofy gui (Get X Windows ) :)), its whatever you want to
make out of it, and how u want to present the data, as there is automated
process used becuase of user use/dialin, i want to have the ability to
have scripts run automaticily the day after.

But no Squables as long as each person is happy with what the have,

Scott "Who Me?" Traynor