Re: My version of userlog

Jeremy T. Elston (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 10:10:08 -0400

On 27 Jul 97 at 0:27, John-David Childs thought it important
to discuss My version of userlog:

John-David Childs,

I got a considerable speed increase in my PERL version. Thanks to Joe Hartley
for the original program. It gave me a good foundation to work from. I wrote
mine from scratch after having used his handy program for a while. I needed
the ability to scan multiple log files without so many command line arguments
(my boss and associates like to see the info and they are UNIX illiterate).

Give it a try and tell me what you think. It could also be easily modified to
print out the info you mentioned. The prog is at

I have just begun creating my web site, so it is crude and this is the only
program on there at the moment.

> Included below is my version of the oft-posted "userlog" script. This one
> is based on the userlog script posted earlier today by Joe Hartley (which
> had a missing '}" in the if ARGV[1] construct).
> I have changed userlog so that *instead of* printing the username (kinda
> redundant :-) and port on each line, it prints the input & output octets
> AND the DISCONNECT CAUSE for each login. This makes userlog very useful
> for seeing patterns of online time, bytes transferred, and disconnect
> causes. Hope this is useful to the list. When I get some time, I'm
> planning to write this in C for speed...but that might not be until after
> the year 2000 :-)
> ==========================================================================
> John-David Childs (JC612)
> System Administrator Enterprise Internet Solutions
> & Network Engineer 901 E 17th Ave, Denver 80218
> "I used up all my sick days... so I'm calling in dead!"
> ==========================================================================
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> ##
> # userlog - this program prints a log of a user's activity.
> #
> # Usage: userlog username [mm.yy]
> # where username = the login of the user in question
> # mm.yy = the numeric month and year of a previous period
> #
> # Copyright (C) 1995
> # -Dave Andersen <>
> #
> # Modified from Dave's "Lineparser" to work with 1 user
> # 1/1/96 - Joe Hartley <>
> #
> # Modified to allow specification of a single portmaster
> # 10/29/96 - Joe Hartley <>
> #
> # Modified to include the port attached to
> # 3/26/97 - Joe Hartley <>
> #
> # Modified to REMOVE the port attached to and the username
> # and instead print input bytes, output bytes, and disconnect cause
> # 7/26/97 - John-David Childs <>
> ##
> ### change this to the name of your radius accounting logs directory
> ### detail files are stored in subdirectory of $logdir
> $logdir = "/var/log/pm";
> # set the user to look for from the command line
> if ($ARGV[0]) {
> $testuser = sprintf("%-8s", $ARGV[0]);
> }
> else {
> die("Usage: userlog username PMname|all [mm.yy]\n");
> }
> # Set the server list
> if ($ARGV[1] =~ "all") {
> @servlist = ("pm1","pm2","pm3");
> }
> else {
> @servlist = ($ARGV[1]);
> }
> if ($ARGV[2]) {
> $period = $ARGV[2];
> }
> else {
> $period = '';
> }
> # Test for current month specified on command line - this keeps the program
> # from failing if the current month is asked for!
> chop($thismonth = `/bin/date +%m`);
> $thisyear = `/bin/date +%y`;
> chop($reqmonth = "$thismonth.$thisyear");
> if ($reqmonth == $period) {
> $period = '';
> }
> $servno = 0;
> # Open the file for first PM
> $server = $servlist[$servno];
> $servno += 1;
> while ($server) {
> open(IN, "$logdir/$server$period") ||
> die "Could not open file $server\n";
> $begin_record = 1;
> $end_record = 0;
> # Variables
> # $date - 09/11/75 format
> # $thismonth - the current month in MM format
> # $daytime - hh:mm:ss format of _logout_ time
> # $username
> # $time - time online
> # $port - port they logged in on
> # $inbyte - Acct-Input-Octets
> # $outbyte - Acct-Output-Octets
> print("\nActivity log for user $testuser on $server\n\n");
> print("Date Logout BytesIn BytesOut Minutes TOTAL Disconnect\n");
> print(" Online Hours\n");
> print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
> while (<IN>) {
> chop;
> if (!length($_)) {
> if ($end_record) {
> if ($username =~ $testuser) {
> $totaltime += $time / 60;
> printf("%-8.8s %-8.8s %-8s %8s %-7.7s %-7.7s %-12s\n",
> $date, $daytime, $inbyte, $outbyte, $time, $totaltime, $disconnect);
> }
> }
> $end_record = 0;
> $begin_record = 1;
> next;
> }
> if ($begin_record && /^[a-zA-Z]/) {
> ($wday, $month, $mday, $daytime, $year) = split;
> $month = &convert_month($month);
> $year =~ s/19//;
> $date = sprintf("%2.2d/%2.2d/%2.2d", $month, $mday, $year);
> $begin_record = 0;
> $end_record = 1;
> next;
> }
> if ($begin_record) {
> next;
> }
> if (/User-Name/) {
> s/[^\"]*"([^\"]*).*/$1/;
> s/\s+//g;
> $username = sprintf("%-8s", $_);
> next;
> }
> if (/NAS-Port /) {
> s/NAS-Port = //;
> s/\s+//g;
> $port = $_;
> next;
> }
> # Acct-Terminate-Cause = User-Request
> if (/Acct-Input-Octets/) {
> s/Acct-Input-Octets = //;
> s/\s+//g;
> $inbyte = $_;
> next;
> }
> if (/Acct-Output-Octets/) {
> s/Acct-Output-Octets = //;
> s/\s+//g;
> $outbyte = $_;
> next;
> }
> if (/Acct-Terminate-Cause/) {
> s/Acct-Terminate-Cause = //;
> s/\s+//g;
> $disconnect = $_;
> next;
> }
> if (/Acct-Status-Type/) {
> if (!/Stop/) {
> $begin_record = $end_record = 0;
> next;
> }
> }
> if (/Acct-Session-Time/) {
> s/Acct-Session-Time = //;
> s/\s+//g;
> $time = $_ / 60;
> next;
> }
> }
> $server = $servlist[$servno];
> $servno += 1;
> }
> sub convert_month {
> local($_) = $_[0];
> if ($_ eq "Jan") { "01"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Feb") { "02"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Mar") { "03"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Apr") { "04"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "May") { "05"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Jun") { "06"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Jul") { "07"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Aug") { "08"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Sep") { "09"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Oct") { "10"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Nov") { "11"; }
> elsif ($_ eq "Dec") { "12"; }
> else { "-1"; }
> }
Jeremy T. Elston
Applied InterNet Solutions - Systems Engineer
Paigewerks Web Design - partner/programmer

Committed to your satisfaction!