Re: Multilink PPP & RFC 1717 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 15:24:34 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time David Matthews shaped the electrons to say...
>I don't want to start a flame over semantics of RFC's, only to further
>explain what I meant. What you quote above doesn't quite tell the whole
>story nor does it convey the context of the General Overview section of any
>RFC for those who are not familiar with reading them.

Well, all I can say is we disagree on interpretation. We do not agree that
the wording of the RFC requires a NAS to support it on all interfaces to
be RFC compliant - and remember, Brian Lloyd, one of the RFC authors, works
for Livingston now.

The RFC only indicates that a NAS *can* do such, not that it must - that is
how we read it. Also note that Ascend also had MP on ISDN only (I think
thye recently added itto modems too), and I believe Cisco did (maybe still
does). This is not an interpretation we are alone in making.

I am sorry for the confusion.

>this year). Anyway, here's the reference to the PM3 FAQ that states that
>the PM3 supports 33.6's. Megazone, if you have any influence over the
>changing of this misleading online information, can you see what you can
>. . . .
>Q. Does the PM3 support 33.6Kbps modem?
>A. Yes.

I'll see about yanking that.


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