Re: Multilink PPP & RFC 1717 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 19:57:01 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time David Matthews shaped the electrons to say...
>implementation is conditional. The only place I've been able to find the
>conditional to the RFC 1717 implementation (that it only works for ISDN) is
>here in this users group -- not from the sales guy, not from the release
>notes for any of the ComOS's (I admit that I haven't thoroughly read every
>release note in search of this information), nor from any of the techs I


it is also mentioned in:

Admittedly I don't believe it comes out and says "THIS DOES NOT WORK ON
NON-ISDN PORTS" - they do only discuss MP in the context of ISDN, and many
times say "multilink PPP on ISDN" or the like.

Bloody hell, I found some downright incorrect info in the Sales FAQ...
MP on the IRX? Someone did too much cutting and pasting. I'll get that
fixed. <URL:>

And the data sheet?! Have we been adding support for things and I haven't
noticed? <URL:>
and <URL:>

Me thinks we have a fundamental information control issue here...

But looking further it does appear the last rev of the Config Guide can
be misleading, like this from Chapter 9:

Setting Multilink PPP 

ComOS 3.3 and later supports Multilink PPP (MP) as described in RFC 1717. To use Multilink PPP instead of Multi-line Load Balancing, set the Multilink parameter in the location table entry ON, and set Maximum Ports to the number of ports you wish to use for MP.


And this in chapter 6, which is on async ports:

Compression should not be used with multi-line load-balancing, but may
be used with multi-link PPP.
Sure, it is true.  But it easily implies MP is an option here, and it is

And this is Chapter 3:

Using PPP for Dial-In/Dial-Out Operation 

The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a method of encapsulating network layer IP protocol information on asynchronous point-to-point links. PPP is described in RFCs 1331 and 1332. Livingston's implementation of PPP provides autodetect PPP support for the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) and Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) on serial ports running PPP. ComOS 3.3 and later supports multilink PPP as described in RFC 1717.


I bear some responsibility here too - I proofed that manual. It never occurred to me at the time, since I knew the facts already. Only going back and looking for the term specificly now does it stand out.

I believe there is a new rev of the Config guide, either out or coming out soon. Hopefully some of these things are addressed. I'll copy the docs group just in case. And the web group for the things above...

>better part of a weekend trying to make it work). I'm just frustrated by >the lack of continuity in the various information channels provided us as >customers, not just about this issue, but others as well. I shouldn't have

I can understand that. I agree, we need to better control the information that is given out to make sure it is accurate. Unfortunately I think part of the issue is a non-technical sales person (no insult intended) will pick up a fact like "We support RFC 1717" and not realize it is dependent on the interface. So when they make a pitch they'll just say we support it. I do what I can to disseminate data and correct bad data when I see it, but maybe we need to look into developing a clearer process in general.

I'm going to look into this, believe me.

>from Livingston products instead of the other way around. My intention is >not to offend, just to relay my experience thus far regarding the PM3.

Believe me, you haven't offended me at all in this thread. I just wanted to make clear the RFC interpretation difference. But you have some very valid points. I'm more embarrassed than anything else, now that I've gone and poked into our docs more I've found some glaring errors.


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