Re: Portmaster Users Digest V97 #199

Curt Eckhart (
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 13:04:50 -0400

OK. I'm pulling my hair out because I don't know enough. I'm
appealing to this group for some help.

My problem centers around cisco routing, which I'm not very good at.
Here's the situation.

We have a Cisco 2503 which is used as the uplink to the Internet. We
are using PM-2E<whatevers> as terminal servers. The one in question
has a BRI card in it.

I am attempting to subnet a /26 block down through on of th BRI
ports. The downlink is using an OR-U. I can config the dial location
from the OR-U and get a connection, but I can only ping the interface
address of the PM-2E. It appears when I do a traceroute from outside
the network (i.e. on the uplink side of the Cisco), routing stops at
the Cisco. If I traceroute from within our network (i.e. Between the
Cisco and the OR-U) to the OR-U's interface address, the route appears
to go to the Cisco and get stuck.

Here are some examples (using fictious network numbers)

Internal network is We desire to subnet to a user dialing up on a BRI port. We assign via
radius the dialup port number to be

On the PM, I do something like:

add netmask
add route 1

Suppose the Cisco's address to be When I traceroute to, from say (a machine inside our network),
I get a hop to and there it stops. On the PM2, I see a
route down the interface of the BRI and I can in fact ping machines on
the subnet from the PM2.

I'm supposing that we don't have proper routes installed on the Cisco,
or it's not doing RIP, but I don't know enough to ask any more

Can anyone help me ? Config examples and/or pointers to information
would be greatly appreciated. I've been reading the online guides at, so I'm coming up to speed, but not fast enough.

Oh, and don't ask about out uplink provider. We have contacted them,
and they are being helpful, but not enough help fast enough.

Thank you for whatever help you may be able to provide.

Curt Eckhart
Shade Tree Communications, Inc.