A few PM-3 problems

Tim Moloney (moloney@netsrq.com)
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 12:54:51 -0400 (EDT)

I've had my PM-3 (ComOS 3.5.1b20 on CT1) up and running for about 3
weeks now. Everything is working great but I have two small problems.

- Quite a few times, the PM-3 had dropped all modem connections with a
"Acct-Terminate-Cause = Lost-Carrier" This usually happens during
a thunderstorm but it has happened twice during clear weather. This
never happened with my CAC channel banks and Microcom modems.

- After I upgraded from 3.5.1b8 to 3.5.1b20, all of my RADIUS accounting
records have a "Request-Authenticator = Unverified" This did not
happen during my limited testing with 3.5.1b8. Authentication and
logging all work properly. The Request-Authenticator field just
always comes back as Unverified instead of Verified.

Has anyone else experienced these problem? Any possible solutions?

_____ ___ ___ ___
(_ _)( )( \/ ) Tim Moloney Think of something
) ( ) ( ) ( moloney@netsrq.com witty and imagine it
(___) (___)(__)\/(__) Sarasota, Florida was written here.