RE: session limit (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 20:54:53 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Daryl Maunder shaped the electrons to say...
>On that general subject, is there any chance of publishing an approximate
>list of intended features to be added to Livingston's Radius, and approx
>timetables, to give people some idea what to bother adding themselves, and
>what to wait for.

I'm afraid there is little chance of that. Our official policy is not
to discuss any planned products or features before they are ready, or at
least well under way. From time to time we make an exception based on
demand - but that is decided on a case by case basis. For example -
announcing the fact that we would be doing 56K modems.

Another issue is that demand shifts, and sometimes projects that we fully
intend to do one month are indefinitely shelved the next when the market
loses interest and demand is no longer sufficient - which is what killed our
Appletalk and RIPv2 projects. Appletalk dried up, and OSPF stomped RIPv2
since OSPF is far superior.

Word got out that we have an all new server in trials - and instead of
letting the rumor mill get rolling I confirmed it. We do have a new server
in the works. But at this time we are not yet willing to announce all of
the new features it will have - about the only one we've mentioned is
simultaneous loging restrictions. And that was ferreted out by the clever
folks who noticed new attributes associated with that in the new Livingson
MIB file. Remember, I'd always said RADIUS itself is not suited to do it,
and you need an out-of-band check - like SNMP.


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