Multilink PPP & RFC 1717

David Matthews (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 17:52:54 -0600

First, my intention is not to upstage Megazone by this mail. With that out
of the way, let's clear up some of the foggy language that I've seen thrown
around about this subject as it relates to the PM2E's and PM3's (Megazone,
please correct me if I'm wrong).

---- To say that the PM3 complies to RFC 1717, but only for ISDN is to say
that it's NOT RFC 1717 compliant at all!!! It is more correct to say that
it complies with the portion of RFC 1717 dealing with synchronous ports.

I realize that this sounds like splitting hairs, but there is a big
difference. When we were given the selling points of the PM3, we were told
by everyone there at Livingston that it was RFC 1717 compliant (by the way,
at least two techs at Livingston, upon direct inquiry on the subject, still
maintain that it is RFC 1717 compliant). We, of course, assumed that it
was FULLY compliant which it is not. We, in turn, told all of our users
that were interested that as soon as we had our new PM3's that they would
be able to connect multiple modems up to their 95 or NT machines and
cheaply be able to increase their bandwidth. We had many that were calling
us regularly in anticipation of this functionality. Imagine our surprise
when after buying two PM3, that Livingston was misrepresenting their
product. I'm beginning to wonder if anyone at Livingston (especially those
involved in putting together the manuals) has ever actually read the RFC.
By the way, RFC 1717 explicitly states that in order to comply, the
hardware/software involved needs to support the bonding of any interface
regardless of it's speed or type.

So, Livingston, please stop saying that the PM3 and PM2E are compliant with
RFC 1717 until they are. Luckily, some day, the PM3 will actually live up
to RFC 1717. On the other hand, the PM2E won't ever be compliant due to
overwhelming hardware issues involved with its buffers.

Side note to anyone getting ready to buy a PM3: another interesting
misrepresention we encountered (with Livingston sales people and techs and
the online PM3 faq) is the claim that the PM3 supports 33.6's. To date, it
doesn't. We've been told more than once that it did by Livingston. Upon
complaining to Livingston about this, we were told, "33.6's can connect to
it, but just not at 33.6 speeds." Between the two boners explained above
and this whole 56k modem card issue, Livingston's integrity has really gone
down the tubes in my book.

David Matthews
Webmaster--Internet Technology Systems