OSPF question

Eric Kozowski (kozowski@structured.net)
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 16:50:39 -0700 (PDT)

OK, since I sent an email to support@livingston.com over a week ago
and have not heard anything back, I'll post my question here:

How do I get a PM3 (3.5c6) to accept a default route via OSPF?

I have OSPF successfully running on the PM3, but when I set the
gateway to, it still doesn't accept the default route that
is being advertised via OSPF from two ciscos (different metrics).

PS - Livingston, you _have_ to have better email support than this!
When I open up a case with the Cisco TAC, I immediately get a
ticket number back and can query it via the web.

Eric Kozowski              Senior Network Engineer
eric@structured.net        Structured Network Systems, Inc.
(800)390-5945 Support      A Verio Affiliate
(800)881-0962 Sales/Info   http://www.structured.net/
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