Re: V.FC support for the PM3 (fwd)

A. David Wright (
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 13:03:10 -0600

In case you're not aware, any new Sportster 33.6 does not have v.Fast or
v.FC support in it either.


> From: Rick Morris <>
> To:
> Subject: V.FC support for the PM3 (fwd)
> Date: Thursday, July 24, 1997 10:01 AM
> This is interesting. I have been told by USR that when they put X2
> support into a Total Control rack, V.FC will no longer work, and they
> have no plans to make it work. They were not particularly apologetic
> about dropping support for their older non-standard modems.
> Forwarded message:
> >
> > Some of our customers still have old V.FC modems which will only
> > at 14400 to our PM3 at this time. As far as I can see, the PM3 does
> > at this time support V.FC. Even though this is a legacy standard, we
> > that being a "carrier" operation we need to support it. I know for a
> > that the Total Control racks seem to support it, but does or will the
> > software or cards support it eventually?
> >
> --
> Rick Morris
> Pacific Interconnect Support
> Phone (250) 953-2680
> Fax (250) 953-2659