Re: Supra Express 33.6

Luther D. Keal (
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 15:43:42 -0700 (PDT)

How are your CT-1 trunks configured? If they are line side (analog) then
you can expect a lower connect rate. If they are trunk side (digital)
then you should get much better performance than what you are seeing.

I'm running b20 and have trunk side lines and they work really well. Most
of our subscribers connect at or very close to their advertised rates
unless they just have a bad phone line.

Dave Keal

On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, CygNet Support wrote:

> We have a customer that can only connect at 26400 into our PM3. He
> can never get a full 33.6. Anyone else seen this and is there a fix
> or a good init string.
> He has dialed into a USR TC and got 33.6 but the PM3 only does 26400.
> COMOS 3.5.1b20
> Thanks Eugene