Re: Changing IP address on Ethernet without loosing

John Storms (
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 08:21:13 -0700

Try a different hole.

Instead of telnetting to the PM3 and changing the gateway settings and such
try connecting to the PM3 by dialing into it and logging in as !root and
then make your changes. Your dialup conneciton is not dependent on your
ethernet settings, your telnet conneciton is.

What I do (having the benefit of having easy access to plenty of
PortMasters) is set up a PM2e-30 as a console server (Each port set to a
port type of 'device /dev/600<PortNumber>'. Each port then has a null
modem attached to the s0/c0 port of each of the other routers in my
network. Then by telnetting to my PM2e on port 600<PortNumber> I can
directly access any my portmasters regardless of the hideous things I have
done to my ethernet connection.

At 12:23 AM 7/11/97 GMT, Pedro Melo wrote:
>I seem to remmember seen this somewhere, but I cannot remmember where.
>I have a remote POP with a small Cisco and a PM3. They are linked via a
>ethernet. I would like to change the IP address, the netmask and the
default gw
>of the PM3 without loosing connectivity.
>As soon as I type set address, I lose connectivity... :(
>Any pointers?
>************** Pedro Melo ( BOFH ******************
>* TELENET, Servicos de Telecomunicacoes, SA - Tel +351 1 3139190 *
>* finger or search key servers for PGP key *
>* It's management's job to support the geniuses, *
>* not to tell them what to do *

Diplomacy:  The art of saying good doggie
while seaching for a big rock.